Other Services & Fees

Overdraft Services
Insufficient Funds (per item)* $30.00
Overdraft (per item)* $30.00
Overdraft Protection
Transfer from Savings (per item) $5.00
Returned Deposited Item $15.00
Stop Payment
Per Occurrence$40.00
Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)
North Valley Bank ATM Usage No Charge
Card Replacement $5.00
Empty Envelope Processing
Non-North Valley Bank ATM Usage $2.00
Bank Check Services
Money Order up to $3000.00 $2.00
Cashier’s Check $4.00
Wire Transfer
Outgoing Request $20.00
Incoming Request $15.00
Account Research
Account Research Hourly Rate (first 15 minutes-free) $20.00
Account Activity Report $1.00
Account Reconciliation Assistance (per statement) $5.00
Reproduction Checks and/or Deposits (per document) $5.00
Night Depository Bags
Locked Bag $20.00
Unlocked Bag $5.00
Key Replacement $5.00
Tax Levy/Garnishment Processing
Audit Confirmations
Land Contract Collection
Per Collection$5.00
Photocopy Service
Per Page$0.25
First Page $5.00
Each Additional $1.00
Foreign Check Processing
Loan Payment Book Replacement
Dormant Account Monthly Charge **
Money Market Excessive Check Clearing
Per item in excess of 6 per monthly statement cycle $10.00
Early Account Closure
Within the first 60 days $25.00

* The categories of transactions for which an overdraft or insufficient fee may be imposed are those by any of the following means: check, in-person, withdrawal, ATM withdrawal, or other electronic means.
** An inactive account fee will be charged each month if for 12 months (previous) there is no activity or other indication in writing from you of an interest in the account.